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short bio


I am Professor of Economics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and former Chair of the Department of Economics (Economic Theory). Currently I am also Visiting Professor at Erasmus University, and Visiting Fellow to the Erasmus Research Institute of Management ERIM,, where I collaborate with several academics from the Rotterdam School of Management,  


My research interests lay on the general field of theoretical and applied Microeconomics (Production, Management and Organizations). Particularly:

1) Benchmarking Performance: Efficiency and Productivity (Measurement Theory: Index Numbers and Duality Theory, Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Frontier Analysis), Industrial Organization, Environmental Economics;

2) Innovation (Systems, Indicators, Evaluation, Policy, Patents, Trademarks), Trade and Transportation Economics (Network Infrastructure, Accessibility, Logistics), Location Theory and Spatial Economics (Economic Geography and Trade Theory); and

3) Computational Methods:  Operations Research and Econometrics (i.e., mathematical programming and regression analysis).

     - Benchmarking Economic Efficiency:

     - Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA):

     - Total Factor Productivity indices (TFP):

     - Panel Data Regression Analysis:


I have published numerous papers, book chapters and, recently, a new book on the fundamentals of economic efficiency. I have also led relevant national projects bringing together different universities, institutions, and stakeholders. All these contributions can be found on this webpage. I am active consultant to the European Commission (Joint Research Center), World Property Intellectual Organization (UN), and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.





Last updated: September, 2024











Work in Progress. 8


· Competitive grants: Principal Investigator 8

· Competitive grants: Researcher 8

· Consultancy: Researcher 9




· Keynote Speaker 12

· Invited seminars. 12















Birth Place: Madrid, Spain.

Birth Date: March, 1970.




Professor of Economics: 2014 - Present

Associate Professor: 2002 - 2014

Assistant Professor: 1997-2002






Visiting Professor: 2017-Current



Visiting Professor: 2022



Visiting Professor: 2020



Visiting Scholar: 2003

NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, New York, NY, USA (Host: Prof. William H. Greene)


Visiting Researcher: 1997

UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, Athens, GA, USA (Host: Prof. C.A. Knox Lovell)




Ph.D. Dissertation: December, 2000

TITLE: “Evaluating Productive Performance Using Malmquist Productivity Indices”.



B.A. Degree in Economics: June, 1993





Theoretical: Economic Measurement (Index Number and Duality Theory), Productivity and Efficiency (Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Frontier Analysis), Economic Geography and Spatial Economics (New Economic Geography and New Trade Theory), Transport Economics (Infrastructure and Accessibility).


Empirical: Innovation (evaluation and policy), Regional and Urban Economics, Environmental Economics, and Industrial Organization, using both Operations Research (mathematical optimization) and Econometrics as empirical methods.




Guilllen, María D., Juan Aparicio, José L. Zofío and Victor J. España (2024), “Improving the predictive accuracy of production frontier models for efficiency measurement using machine learning: The LSB-MAFS method,” Computers and Operations Research, 171, 106793.

Barbosa, Sergio, Patricio Sáiz and José L. Zofío (2024), “The emergence and historical evolution of innovation networks: On the factors promoting and hampering patent collaboration in technological lagging economies,Research Policy¸ 53, 104999.

Zofío, José L., Juan Aparicio, Javier Barbero, and Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia (2024), “Benchmarking performance through efficiency analysis trees: Improvement strategies for Colombian higher education institutions,” Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 92, 101845.

Pastor, Jesús T., José L. Zofío, Juan Aparicio and Javier Alcaraz (2024), “The flexible reverse approach for decomposing economic inefficiency: With an application to Taiwanese banks,” Economic Modelling, 139, 106804.

Pastor, Jesús T., José L. Zofío, Juan Aparicio and Fernando Borrás (2024), “The standard reverse approach for decomposing economic inefficiency,” Journal of the Operational Research Society, 75(4), pp. 647-659.

Zofío, José L., Julio González, Angel Prieto and Juan Vicente (2023), “Modelling the spatial and sectoral benefits of productivity enhancing innovations using a transport oriented multiregional IO framework: the ‘megatruck’ in Spain,” Economic Systems Research, 35 (2), pp. 228-264.

Zofío, José L., Juan Aparicio, Javier Barbero, and Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia (2023), “The influence of bottlenecks on innovation systems performance: Put the slowest climber first,” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 193, 122607.

Barbero, Javier and José L. Zofío (2023), “The measurement of profit, profitability, cost and revenue efficiency through data envelopment analysis: A comparison of models using BenchmarkingEconomicEfficiency.jl,” Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 89, 101656.

Aparicio, Juan and José L. Zofío (2023), “Decomposing profit change: Konüs, Bennet and Luenberger indicators,” Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 87 (Part B), 101573.

Pastor, Jesús T., José L. Zofío, Juan Aparicio and Diego Pastor (2023), “A general direct approach for decomposing profit inefficiency,” Omega, 119, 102889.

Aparicio, Juan, José L. Zofío and Jesús T. Pastor (2023), “Decomposing Economic Efficiency into Technical an Allocative Components: An Essential Property,” Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 197, pp. 98-129.

Rey-Blanco, David, José L. Zofío and Julio González-Arias (2023), “Improving Hedonic Housing Price Models by Integrating Optimal Accessibility Indices into Regression and Random Forest Analyses,” Expert Systems with Applications, 235, 121059.

Gallego, Nuria, Carlos Llano and José L. Zofío (2022), “Transportation gateways and trade: how accessibility to the border shapes the spatial concentration of commerce,” Regional Studies, 57(3), pp. 537-559.

Vidal‑Meliá, Lidia, Carmen Arguedas, Eva Camacho‑Cuena and José L. Zofío (2022), “An Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Imperfect Compliance on Technology Adoption,” Environmental and Resource Economics, 81, pp. 425–451.

Bas, Javier, José L. Zofío, Cinzia Cirillo, Hao Chen and Hesham A. Rakhaf (2022), “Policy and industry implications of the potential market penetration of electric vehicles with eco-cooperative adaptive cruise control,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 164, pp. 242-256.

Kapelko, Magdalena, Alfons Oude-Lansink and José L. Zofío (2022), “Endogenous dynamic inefficiency and optimal resource allocation: An application to the European dietetic food industry,” European Journal of Operational Research, 303(3), pp. 1444-1457.

Sáiz, Patricio and José L. Zofío (2022), “The making and consolidation of the first national trademark system: Diffusion of trademarks across Spanish regions (1850-1920),” Regional Studies, 56(2), pp. 256-275.

Díaz-Lanchas, Jorge, José L. Zofío and Carlos Llano (2022), “A trade hierarchy of cities based on transport cost thresholds,” Regional Studies, 56(8), pp. 1359-1376.

Barbero, Javier, Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia and José L. Zofío (2021), Is more always the better? On the relevance of decreasing returns to scale on innovation Technovation, 107, 102314.

Balk, Bert M., René (M.B.M.) de Koster, Christian Kaps and José L. Zofío (2021), “An evaluation of cross-efficiency methods: With an application to warehouse performance,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, 406, 126261.

Aparicio, Juan and José L. Zofío (2021), “Economic cross-efficiency,” Omega, 100, 102374.

Álvarez, Inmaculada C., Javier Barbero and José L. Zofío (2020), “A Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox for MATLAB,” Journal of Statistical Software, 95(3), pp. 1-49. 10.18637/jss.v095.i03 (see

Aparicio, Juan, Magdalena Kapelko and José L. Zofio (2020), The Measurement of Environmental Economic Inefficiency with Pollution-generating Technologies,” Resource and Energy Economics, 62, 101185.

Balk, Bert M. and José L. Zofío (2020), “Symmetric decompositions of cost variation,” European Journal of Operational Research, 185, pp. 1189-1198.

Balk, Bert M., Javier Barbero and José L. Zofío (2020), “A toolbox for calculating and decomposing Total Factor Productivity indices,” Computers and Operations Research, 115, 104853. (see

Álvarez, Inmaculada C., Javier Barbero, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and José L. Zofio (2018), “Does institutional quality matter for trade? Institutional conditions in a sectoral trade framework,” World Development, 103, pp. 72-87.

Barbero, Javier, Kristian Behrens and José L. Zofio (2018), Industry location and wages: The role of market size and accessibility in trading networks,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 71, pp. 1-24.

Edquist, Charles, Jon M. Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, Javier Barbero and José L. Zofío (2018), On the meaning of innovation performance: Is the synthetic indicator of the Innovation Union Scoreboard flawed?,Research Evaluation, 27(3), pp. 1-16 Accésit. XV Research Prize. Deusto University-Banco Santander, 2019.

Gallego, Nuria and José L. Zofío (2018), “Trade Openness, Transport Networks and the Spatial Location of Economic Activity,” Networks and Spatial Economics, 18 (1), pp. 205-236.

Álvarez, Inmaculada C., Javier Barbero and José L. Zofío (2017), “A panel data toolbox for MATLAB,” Journal of Statistical Software, 76(6), pp. 1-28 (see

Aparicio, Juan and José L Zofío (2017), “Revisiting the Decomposition of Cost Efficiency for Non-homothetic Technologies: A Directional Distance Function Approach,” Journal of Productivity Analysis, 48(2-3), pp. 133-146.

Aparicio, Juan, Javier Barbero, Magdalena Kapelko, Jesús T. Pastor and José L. Zofío (2017), “Testing the Consistency and Feasibility of the Standard Malmquist-Luenberger Index: Environmental Productivity in World Air Emissions,” Journal of Environmental Management, 196, pp.148-160.

Aparicio, Juan, Jesús T. Pastor, Fernando Vidal and José L. Zofío (2017), “Evaluating productive performance: A new approach based on the product-mix problem consistent with Data Envelopment Analysis,” Omega, 67(C), pp. 134-144. Omega best paper award 2017.

Aparicio, Juan, Jesús T. Pastor and José L. Zofio (2017), “Can Farrell's allocative efficiency be generalized by the directional distance function approach?European Journal of Operational Research, 257(1), pp. 345-351.

Condeço-Melhorado, Ana M., José L. Zofío and Panayotis Christidis (2017) “Drivers of changes in Spanish accessibility for the 1960–2010 period,” European Transport Research Review, 9(2), pp. 9-19.

Álvarez, Inmaculada C., Javier Barbero and José L. Zofío (2016) “A spatial autoregressive panel model to analyze road network spillovers on production,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 93 pp. 83-92.

Barbero, Javier and José L. Zofío (2016). “The multiregional core-periphery model: The role of the spatial topology,” Networks and Spatial Economics, 16(2), pp. 469-496.

Álvarez, Inmaculada C., Ana M. Condeço-Melhorado, Javier Gutiérrez and José L. Zofío (2016),  Integrating network analysis and interregional trade to study the spatial impact of transport infrastructure using production functions,” Regional Studies, 50(6), pp. 996-1015.

Maroto, Andrés and José L. Zofío (2016), “Accessibility gains and road transport infrastructure in Spain: A productivity approach based on the Malmquist index,” Journal of Transport Geography, 52, pp. 143-152.

Aparicio, Juan, Jesús T. Pastor and José L. Zofio (2015), “How to properly decompose economic efficiency using technical and allocative criteria with non-homothetic DEA technologies,” European Journal of Operational Research, 240(3), pp. 882-891.

Prieto, Angel, M., José L Zofío and Inmaculada C. Álvarez (2015), “Cost economies, urban patterns and population density: The case of public infrastructure for basic utilities,” Papers in Regional Science, 94(4), pp. 795-816.

Zofío, José L., Ana M. Condeço-Melhorado, Andrés Maroto-Sánchez and Javier Gutiérrez (2014) “Generalized transport costs and index numbers: A geographical analysis of economic and infrastructure fundamentals,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 67(C), pp. 141-157.

Alvarez, Inmaculada, Angel, M. Prieto and José L Zofío (2014), “Cost Efficiency, Urban Patterns and Population Density when Providing Public Infrastructure: A Stochastic Frontier Approach,” European Planning Studies, 22(6), pp. 1235-1258.

Aparicio, Juan, Jesús T. Pastor and José L. Zofío (2013),On the Inconsistency of the Malmquist-Luenberger Index,European Journal of Operational Research, 229, pp. 738-743.

Jiménez-Sáez, Fernando, Jon M. Zabala-Iturriagagoitia and José L. Zofío (2013), Who leads research productivity growth? Guidelines for R&D policy-makers,” Scientometrics, 94, 273-303.

Zofío, José L., Jesús T. Pastor and Juan Aparicio (2013),The Directional Profit Efficiency Measure: On Why Profit Inefficiency is either Technical or Allocative,” Journal of Productivity Analysis, 40, 247-266.

Jiménez-Sáez, Fernando, Jon M. Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, José L. Zofío and Elena Castro-Martinez (2011), “Evaluating Research Efficiency within National R&D Programs,” Research Policy, 40, pp. 230-241.

Arguedas, Carmen, Eva Camacho and José L Zofío, (2010), “Environmental Policy Instruments: Technology Adoption Incentives with Imperfect Compliance," Environmental and Resource Economics, 47(2), pp. 261-274.

Cuesta, Rafael, C.A. Knox Lovell and José L. Zofío (2009), “Environmental Efficiency Measurement with Translog Distance Functions,” Ecological Economics, 68, pp. 2232-2242.

Paramio, Juan L. and José L. Zofío (2008), “Labor Market Duality and Leisure Industries in Spain: Quality of Life versus Standard of Living,” American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 67(4), pp.683-717.

Prieto, Ángel M. and José L. Zofío (2007), “Network DEA Efficiency in Input-Output Models: With an Application to OECD Countries,” European Journal of Operational Research, 178, pp. 292-304.

Zofío, José L.  (2007), “Malmquist Productivity Index Decompositions: A Unifying Framework,” Applied Economics, 39, pp. 2371–2387.

Zofío, José L. and Ángel M. Prieto (2007), “Measuring Productive Efficiency in Input-Output Models by Means of Data Envelopment Analysis,” International Review of Applied Economics, 21 (4), pp.519-538.

Zofío, José L. and Ángel M. Prieto (2006), “Return to Dollar, Generalized Distance Function and the Fisher Productivity Index,” Spanish Economic Review, 8, pp. 113-138.

Cuesta, Rafael. A. and José L. Zofío (2005), “Hyperbolic Efficiency and Parametric Distance Functions: With Application to Spanish Savings Banks,” Journal of Productivity Analysis, 24, pp. 31-48.

García, Mª Isabel, Yolanda Fernández and José L. Zofío (2003), “The Economic Dimension of the Culture and Leisure Industry in Spain: National, Sectoral and Regional Analysis,” Journal of Cultural Economics, 27, pp. 9-30.

Prieto, Angel M. and José L. Zofío (2001), Evaluating Effectiveness in Public Provision of Infrastructure and Equipment: The Case of Spanish Municipalities,” Journal of Productivity Analysis, 15, pp. 41-58.

Zofío, José L. and C.A. Knox Lovell (2001), “Graph Efficiency and Productivity Measures: An Application to U.S. Agriculture,” Applied Economics, 33, pp. 1433-1442.

Zofío, José L. and Ángel M. Prieto (2001), “Environmental Efficiency and Regulatory Standards: The Case of CO2 Emissions from OECD countries,” Resource and Energy Economics, 23, pp. 68-83.



Aparicio, Juan, Miriam Esteve, Jesús J. Rodriguez-Sala, and José L. Zofío (2021). The estimation of productive efficiency through machine learning techniques: Efficiency Analysis Trees,” in Zhu, Joe and Charles, Vincent (edts.) Data-Enabled Analytics: DEA for Big Data, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 312. Springer, Cham, pp. 51-92.

Aparicio, Juan, and José L. Zofio (2020). “New Definitions of Economic Cross-Efficiency,” in Aparicio, Juan, Knox Lovell, C.A., Pastor, Jesús T. and Zhu, Joe (edts.) Advances in Efficiency and Productivity II, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 287. Springer, Cham, pp. 11-32.

Orea, Luis and José L. Zofío (2019). “Common methodological choices in non-parametric and parametric analyses of firms’ performance,” in ten Raa, Thijs, and Greene, William H. (eds.) Palgrave Handbook of Economic Performance Analysis, Palgrave-MacMillan: Cham, 419-484.

Aparicio, Juan, Fernando Borras, Jesús T. Pastor and José L. Zofío (2016). Loss Distance Functions and Profit Function: General Duality Results,” in Juan Aparicio, C. A. Knox Lovell and Jesús T. Pastor (edts.) Advances in Efficiency and Productivity, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 249. Springer, Cham pp. 76-91.


Pastor, Jesús T., Juan Aparicio and José L. Zofío (2022), Benchmarking Economic Efficiency: Technical and Allocative Fundamentals. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 315. Springer, Cham.

Mª Isabel García, Yolanda Fernández and José L. Zofío (2003), The Culture and Leisure Industry in Spain. Its Contribution to GDP (1993- 1997), Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores / Fundación Autor.

Work in Progress


Zofío, José Luis, Jorge Díaz-Lanchas, Damiaan Persyn and Javier Barbero (2020). “Estimating foreign and national trade elasticities in the EU internal market using generalised transport costs,” JRC Working Papers on Territorial Modelling and Analysis No 05/2020. [download]

Balk, Bert M. and José L. Zofío (2018), “The Many Decompositions of Total Factor Productivity Change,” ERIM Report Series Research in Management ERS-2018-003-LIS, Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [download]

Orea, L and José L. Zofío (2017), “A primer on the theory and practice of efficiency and productivity analysis,” Oviedo efficiency papers, ESP 05/2017, University of Oviedo. [download]. A shorter version was published as Common methodological choices in non-parametric and parametric analyses of firms’ performance,” in ten Raa, Thijs, and Greene, William H. (eds.) Palgrave Handbook of Economic Performance Analysis, Palgrave-MacMillan: Cham, 419-484.



· Competitive grants: Principal Investigator

Benchmarking the efficiency and productivity of innovation systems to improve industrial strategies and policies (BENCH&INNOV&POL). Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain. October 2020 – October 2022, EIN2020-112260. Euro 10,000.

Infrastructure, Productivity and Economic Growth. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Banco Santander, Spain. 2017/EEUU/16, July 2017 – December 2018, Euro 12,000.

DESTINO: Developing methodologies for assessing the economic impact of the transport system using interregional input-output tables. Ministerio de Fomento, Spain. January 2009 – June 2012, MFOM P42/08. Euro 272,316.50.

TRANSPORTRADE: Spatial modeling applied to international and interregional trade of goods and movement of people in Spain. Consejería de Educación, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain. January 2008 – June 2012. CAM (Programas de actividades I+D+i, IV PRICIT): S2007/HUM/0467. Euro 235,000.

Analysis of the efficiency in the provision of infrastructure and equipment by public administrations to improve urban and territorial planning and allocation of State’s development funds. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain. October 2006 –October 2009. MEC (proyectos I+D+i):  SEJ 2006-14283/ECON. Euro 29,040.

Environmental policy as incentive for the adoption of cleaner production technologies. Comunidad de Madrid-UAM,  January 2009 – December 2009. CAM (IV PRICIT): 09/SHD/005. Euro 22,000.

· Competitive grants: Researcher

Advanced techniques for the optimization and evaluation of resources. Ministry of Science and Innovation and the State Research Agency. Spain. September 2023 – October 2026, PID2022-136383NB-I00. Euro 75,000.


Environmental efficiency of European regions: New data and empirical evidence. Ministry of Science and Innovation and the State Research Agency. Spain. September 2023 – October 2027, PID2022-138212NA-I00. Euro 55,625.

Resource optimization and evaluation: Methodological and computational advances and applications. Ministry of Science and Innovation and the State Research Agency. Spain.
October 2020 – February 2024. PID2019-105952GB-I00. Euro 65,000.

Drawing innovation jobs and economic activities to the Madrid region. Consejería de Educación e Innovación, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain. January 2020–April 2023, H2019/HUM-5761, INNJOBMAD-CM. Euro 186,300.

Technical efficiency and productivity: methodological advances and applications. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain. October 2016 –December 2019. MTM2016-79765-P. Euro 46,100.

Trade, economic complexity and spatial analysis. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain. October 2016 –June 2020. ECO2016-79650-P. Euro 22,000.

Methodological and Empirical Advances in Productivity and Efficiency. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain. January 2016 –June 2017. MTM2013-43903-P. Euro 52,030.

Interregional and International Trade in Goods and Services in Spain and the E.U.: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Tests in the Context of the New Economic Geography, Ministry of Science and Education. Spain. October 2009 –December 2013.  ECO2010-21643. Euro 9,000.

Evaluation and development of local public infrastructures: Local infrastructure financing program in La Rioja. EDIL-RIOJA. Dirección General de Política Local de La Rioja, Spain. March 2008- March 2009, Euro 6,000.

Experimental Analysis of the Strategic Behavior of Companies in the Determination of Environmental Policy. Consejería de Educación e Innovación, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain. January 2007 – February 2008. CCG07-UAM/HUM-1693. Euro 12,000.

Cost of correcting basic infrastructure deficits in the municipalities of the province of Salamanca, Diputación de Salamanca (Área de Fomento), Spain. December 2003 – January 2004. Euro 12,000.

Cost structure in the provision of strategic local public services. Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Economía y Hacienda), Spain. May 2002 – December 2002. Euro 12,000.

Indicators for managing local public services in Castilla y León. Provincia de Salamanca, Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Economía y Hacienda), Spain. May 2000 – May 2001. Euro 12,000.

Efficiency in the provision of municipal facilities and infrastructure in Castilla y León. Analysis of the 3rd phase of the Local Infrastructure and Equipment Survey, Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Economía y Hacienda), Spain. June 1998 – June 1999. Euro 12,000.

Efficiency in the provision of municipal facilities and infrastructure in Castilla y León: province of León.    Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Economía y Hacienda), Spain. May 1997-December 1997. Euro 12,000.

European Science and Technology Observatory (ESTO), Fundación COTEC – Ministerio de Educación y Cultura (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva), Spain. October 1996 – December 1997. Euro 45,000.

· Consultancy: Researcher

Technical report on the analysis of the decision variables and results of measuring productive efficiency of U.S. Museums using Data Envelopment Analysis techniques. I/O Research-University of Indiana, IL., July August 2024.  

La Industria de la Cultura y el Ocio en España y su aportación al PIB (1998 a 2003). Sociedad General de Autores de España,  July 2005 –  May 2007.

Análisis de la eficacia en la provisión de infraestructura y equipamientos y de la asignación de los Fondos de Cooperación Local de Castilla y León (Análisis del operativo local de Castilla y León), CYLSTAT S.L.,  December 2004 – June 2006.

Análisis de la evolución del peso económico de la cultura en España. Desagregación por sectores de actividad, Sociedad General de Autores de España / April 2001 -   June 2002.

Análisis del Comercio Exterior de Actividades Culturales y de Ocio, Sociedad General de Autores de España,  June 2000 – June 2002.

Análisis de la evolución del peso económico de la cultura en España.  Desagregación por Comunidades Autónomas. Sociedad General de Autores de España,  April 1999- December 2000.

Análisis de la evolución del peso económico de la cultura en España. Sociedad General de Autores de España / Marzo 1998 – Septiembre 1999.

Análisis de la importancia económica del sector musical en España. Sociedad General de Autores de España, December 1997-December 2000.

El sector de la construcción en España, SEOPAN, October 1996 – December 1998.

Análisis cuantitativo y multivariante aplicado a encuestas sobre satisfacción de clientes, Sevillana de Electricidad, May 1996.



· Executive:

The Measurement of Firms´ Efficiency and Productivity.



· Graduate:

Spatial and Trade Economics, Industrial Organization, Cultural and Institutional Economics.



Pricing and Revenue Management.

Benchmarking Economic Efficiency and Productivity.



· Undergraduate:

Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Industrial Organization, Econometrics.






· Refereed ARTICLES


Maroto, Andrés and José L. Zofío (2015). Nueva metodología para la descomposición de los costes generalizados del transporte de mercancías por carretera usando la teoría económica de los números índice,” INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES - Journal of Regional Research, 33, pp. 123-134.

Prieto, Ángel M., José L. Zofío and Inmaculada C. Álvarez (2013), “Provisión de infraestructura pública en medio urbano de baja densidad. Marco institucional, financiación y costes,” AGER, Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblación y Desarrollo Rural, 14, pp. 71-109.

Prieto, Ángel M., José L. Zofío and Inmaculada C. Álvarez (2009), “Economías de escala, densidad y alcance en la provisión de infraestructura básica municipalHacienda Pública Española/Revista de Economía Pública, 190(3), pp. 59-94.

Paramio, Juan Luis and José L. Zofío (2007), “Calidad de vida frente a nivel de vida: la evolución del mercado laboral y de las industrias del ocio en España,” Revista Española de Sociología, 8, pp. 85-114.           

Prieto, Angel M. and José L. Zofío (2004), “Modelando la gestión ambiental preventiva mediante estándares,” Investigaciones Económicas, XXVIII (1), pp. 43-66        

Martínez, Marcelino and José L. Zofío (2000),Titularidad, mercado y eficiencia técnica en el transporte aéreo: un análisis de frontera graph no paramétrico,” Revista de Economía Aplicada, VIII, Otoño, pp. 93-117.

Prieto, Ángel M. and José L. Zofío (1996),Modelización de los efectos de la regulación ambiental con fronteras tecnológicas DEA,” Revista Española de Economía Agraria, 175, pp. 63-85.



Mª Isabel García, Ainhoa Herrarte, Julián Moral and José L. Zofío (2007), La Industria de la Cultura y el Ocio en España (1997-2003), Madrid: Mc Graw-Hill.

José R. Lasuén, Mª Isabel García and José L. Zofío (2005), Cultura y economía, Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores / Fundación Autor.

José R. Lasuén, Blanca Olmedillas and José L. Zofío (2004), El comercio exterior de los servicios culturales españoles en el marco de la OCDE, Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores / Fundación Autor.

Mª Isabel García and José L. Zofío (2003), La evolución sectorial de la Industria de la Cultura y el Ocio en España (1993-1997), Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores / Fundación Autor.

Mª Isabel García, Yolanda Fernández and José L. Zofío (2001), La evolución de la Industria de la Cultura y el Ocio en España por Comunidades Autónomas (1993-1997), Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores / Fundación Autor.

Mª Isabel García, Yolanda Fernández and José L. Zofío (2000), La Industria de la Cultura y el Ocio en España. Su aportación al PIB (1993-1997), Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores / Fundación Autor.



José L. Zofío (2006), “La relevancia económica de la provisión de servicios culturales por las Administraciones Públicas: las bibliotecas,” in: MEC (edt.), I Encuentro Bibliotecas y Municipio. La Administración Local y las bibliotecas en la democracia, pp. 41-62, Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura.

Angel M. Prieto and José L. Zofío (2003), “La eficacia técnica y económica en la prestación de servicios públicos de infraestructura básica,” in: ACLCR (edt.), Prestación Descentralizada de Servicios Públicos, pp. 81-116., León: Asociación Castellano Leonesa de Ciencia Regional.

 José L. Zofío (2001),La dimensión territorial de la Industria de la Cultura y el Ocio,” in:  Xabide (edt.), Cultura, Desarrollo y Territorio, pp. 91-104. Vitoria: Xabide.

José L. Zofío (2001), “La evaluación de la productividad con índices de Malmquist,” in: Álvarez (edt.), La medición de la eficiencia y la productividad, pp. 167-196 Madrid: Pirámide.

Angel M. Prieto and José L. Zofío (2000),La economía agraria de Castilla y León,” in:  JCL (edt.) La economía de Castilla y León ante el siglo XXI, pp. 59-108, Valladolid: Junta de Castilla y León.



Camacho, Eva, Till Requate, Israel Waichman and José L. Zofío (2009), “Comercio de derechos de emisión, adopción de tecnología y heterogeneidad de industrias: un enfoque experimental,” Cuadernos Económicos – ICE, 77, pp. 69-94.

Sánchez, Julián and  José .L. Zofío (2009), “Espacio, distancia y localización: hacia la Nueva Economía Geográfica,” Información Comercial Española, 848, pp. 9-27.

García, Mª Isabel, José L. Zofío, Ainhoa Herrarte and Julián Moral (2009), “La aportación económica de la Industria de la Cultura y el Ocio en España,” Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 27(1), 63-88.

García, Mª Isabel and José L. Zofío (2006), “El impacto económico de la industria de la cultura y el ocio,Adoz, Revista de Estudios de Ocio, 29, pp. 35-46.

Prieto, Angel M. and José L. Zofío (2003), “Análisis de la eficacia en la provisión de infraestructura básica por las Entidades Locales,Papeles de Economía Española, 95, pp. 137-148.

García, Mª Isabel, Yolanda Fernández and José L. Zofío (2001), “La Dimensión Económica de la Industria de la Cultura y El Ocio en España: Análisis Nacional, Regional y Sectorial,” Información  Comercial Española, 792, pp.42-60.

Prieto, Ángel M., José L. Zofío and Telesforo De la Puente (2001), “Indicadores de eficacia en la provisión de servicios públicos locales,” Análisis Local, 35, pp.57-68.




· Keynote Speaker

 “Benchmarking Economic Efficiency: Technical and Allocative Fundamental,” 1er Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad, Badajoz (Spain), September 2022.

 “Overview of empirical studies on the creative sector – international experiences”, “The revised WIPO guide on surveying the economic contribution of the copyright industries – new features”, Making a Living in the Creative Industries: Creativity and National Development, Baku (Azerbaijan), March 2016.

“La economía creativa: conceptos, métodos y aplicación práctica”, “Articulación de la medición de las industrias creativas y las cuentas satélites de la cultura: la experiencia española”, “El comercio de bienes y servicios culturales: balanza de pagos y principales resultados”, Simposio Internacional de Derecho de Autor, Medellín (Colombia), March 2013.

“Metodología de la OMPI para estudios sobre la contribución económica de los derechos de autor y derechos conexos”, Simposio Internacional de Derecho de Autor, Bogotá D.C. (Colombia), April 2008.

“La dimensión económica de la industria de la cultura y el ocio en España”, Foro sobre Derecho de Autor, Industrias Creativas y Políticas Públicas, México D.F. (México), August 2007.

“El valor económico de la industria creativa. La dimensión estratégica de las empresas de contenidos en España”, Semana por los derechos de todos en Internet y contra la piratería en la red, Madrid (Spain), June 2008.

· Invited seminars

School of Public Policy, Georgia Tech, Georgia, USA, October 2022.

Center for Operations Research, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Alicante, Spain, May 2021.

Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands, November 2018.

Center for Operations Research, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Alicante, Spain, November 2018.

European Commission, Joint Research Center, Seville, Spain, October 2018.

TU Delft, The Netherlands, March 2018.

The 2018 International Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity, Alicante, Spain, June 2018.

Rotterdam School Management, Erasmus University, The Netherlands, January 2018.

Department of Civil Engineering and Environment, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA, September 2016. 

XII Summer School in Public Economics, Atlanta, USA, September 2016.

XI Summer School in Public Economics, Atlanta, USA, September 2015.

The 2015 International Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity, Alicante, Spain, June 2015.

La industria de La Cultura y el Ocio en España, Jornada sobre Economía de la Cultura, Observatorio Económico de Andalucía, Universidad de Granada, Granada, April 2007. 

El Papel de la Cultura en el Desarrollo Económico, Instituto Municipal de Empleo, Ayuntamiento de Valladolid, Valladolid, October 2005. 

I Encuentro Bibliotecas y Municipios, Ministerio de Cultura (DGLAB), Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruiperez, Peñaranda de Bracamonte,  September 2005. 

IV Encuentro de Economía de la Cultura, OIKOS, Observatorio Andaluz para la Economía de la Cultura y el Desarrollo, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, May 2005. 

5as Jornadas Castellano-Leonesas de Ciencia Regional. Junta de Castilla y León, Asociación Castellano Leonesa de Ciencia Regional, León, November 2002. 

III Jornadas de Iniciativa Privada y Sector Público en la Gestión de la Cultura, Xabide, Vitoria-Gasteiz, May 2001.

· Regular Sessions


II Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad, Málaga, September 2024.

9th Meeting of the Society for Economic Measurement, Atlanta, July 2024.

GeoInno2022, 6th Geography of Innovation Conference, Milan, July 2022.

EU-Spri 2022, Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation, Utrecht, May 2022.

International Conference on Regional Science, Madrid, November 2021.

Informs Annual Meeting 2021, Anaheim, CA. October 2021.

EU-Spri 2021, Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation, Oslo, May 2021.

32nd EAEPE conference, European Ass. for Evolutionary Political Economy, Bilbao, September 2020.

JuliaCon 2020, Lisbon, July 2020. 

EU-Spri 2020, Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation, Utrecht, May 2020.


ERSA 2019 Lyon, France, August 2019

European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics 2019, Manchester, June 2019.

European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity 2019, London, June 2019.

43rd Simposio de Análisis Económico, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, December 2018.

29th EURO conference on Operational Research, Valencia, Spain, July 2018.

2018 North American Productivity Workshop, Miami, June 2018.

Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, Atlanta, October 2017

European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity 2017, London, June 2017.

VII Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad, Córdoba, May 2016. 

40th Simposio de Análisis Económico, Universidad de Girona, Girona, December 2015.

62th Annual North American Meetings of the RSAI, Portland, USA, November 2015.

International Conference in Regional Science, Reus, Spain, November 2015.

ERSA 2015 Lisbon, Portugal, August 2015.

61th Annual North American Meetings of the RSAI, Washington, USA, November 2014.

III Workshop on Urban Economics, Barcelona, Spain, June 2014.

60th RSAI meeting / 7th UEA, 2012, Miami, USA, November 2013 .

X Jornadas sobre Integración Económica, Castellón, Spain, November, 2013.

6th Seminar Jean Paelinck, Madrid, Spain, October, 2013.

VIII NY Camp Econometrics Conference, Bolton Landing, NY, USA, April 2013.

IX INTECO Workshop, Valencia, Spain, November 2012.

59th RSAI meeting / 7th UEA, 2012, Ottawa, Canada, November 2012. 

ERSA 2012, Bratsilawa, Slovakia, August, 2012.

58th RSAI meeting / 6th UEA, 2011, Miami, U.S.A., November 2011. 

ERSA 2011, Barcelona, Spain, September 2011. 

1st Valencian Workshop On Efficiency And Productivity, Valencia, Spain. November 2010.

International Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity in honour of Prof. C.A. Knox Lovell, Valencia, Spain. November 2010.

57th RSAI meeting / 5th UEA, 2010, Denver, U.S.A., November 2010. 

ERSA 2010, Jönköping, Sweden, August 2010. 

XXXIV Simposio de Análisis Económico, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, December 2009. 

XXXIII Simposio de Análisis Económico, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, December 2008. 

V Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity, LUGAR/FECHA: Universidad de Oviedo, Gijón, September 2008 

Modelling the Spatial Economy, ERSA–August Lösch Association, Kiel, July 2008.

XI Encuentro de Economía Aplicada, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, June 2008.

10th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity, IESEG School of Management, Lille, June 2007.

XXXI Simposio de Análisis Económico, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, December 2006.

4th North American Productivity Workshop, New York University, New York, June 2006. 

1st León Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity, Universidad de León, León, September 2006.

XXX Simposio de Análisis Económico, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, December 2005.

II Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad, Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba, May 2005. 

XXIX Simposio de Análisis Económico, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, December, 2004.

8th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Universidad de Oviedo, Asturias, September 2003. 

2nd North American Productivity Workshop, Union College, Schenectady, New York, June 2002. 

8ª Congreso de Economía Regional de Castilla y León, Universidad de Castilla y León, Valladolid, November 2002. 

3rd Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity. Universidad de Oviedo, Asturias, July 2002.

7th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Universidad de Oviedo, Asturias, September 2001.

7º Congreso de Economía Regional de Castilla y León, Universidad de Castilla y León, Soria, November 2000. 

11th Biannual Conference of the Association for Cultural Economics, Sct. Thomas University, University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 2000.

6th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Royal Agricultural University, Copenhagen, October 1999.

6º Congreso de Economía Regional de Castilla y León, Universidad de Castilla y León, Zamora, November 1998.  

3rd Georgia Productivity Workshop, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, November 1998.

1st Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity, Universidad de Oviedo, Asturias, June 1998.

5º Congreso de Economía Pública, Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, January 1998.

5th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Royal Agricultural University, Copenhagen, October 1997.

5º Congreso de Economía Regional de Castilla y León, Universidad de Castilla y León, Ávila, November 1996.

2nd Georgia Productivity Workshop. University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, November 1996. 

X Reunión Asepelt, Universidad de  Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, June 1996. 

Conference on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Universidad de New England, Armidale, November, 1995.           

2º Congreso Nacional de Econo­m­ía y Sociología Agraria, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, September 1995.




National Expert, European Commission, Joint Research Center (JRC) on:

    - Economic Geography: General Computational Equilibrium Models (GCGE), Trade Elasticities, Spatial Econometrics, November 2019-December 2020.

    - Economic Geography: General Computational Equilibrium Models (GCGE), Generalized Transportation Costs (GTCs) and Trade Elasticities, November 2018-October 2019.

Consultant to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on:

    - Preparing a Survey on the Economic Importance of Industries and Activities Protected by Copyright and Related Rights in Argentina, 2013.

    - WIPO Expert Meeting on the revision of the WIPO Guidelines for Surveying the Economic contribution of the copyright-based industries, Singapore, October 2008.

    - Preparing a Survey on the Economic Importance of Industries and Activities Protected by Copyright and Related Rights in Mexico, October 2005 – September 2006.

     - Preparing a Survey on the Economic Importance of Industries and Activities Protected by Copyright and Related Rights in Peru, September 2006 – April 2008.

     - Preparing a Survey on the Economic Importance of Industries and Activities Protected by Copyright and Related Rights in Colombia, December 2006 – December 2007.




Javier Bas Vicente, Parametric and Non-Parametric Approaches for the Prediction of the Diffusion of the Electric Vehicle. University of Maryland and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, June 2020. Apto Cum Laude. European doctorate mention. First placement: Visiting professor, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain.

Jorge Díaz-Lanchas, Essays on City Trade Flows. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, September 2016. Apto Cum Laude. European doctorate mention. First placement: Economic Analyst, European Commission – Joint Research Centre, Seville, Spain. First Prize of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain (RADE) for the best doctoral thesis in Economics and Business Administration, 2017 (

Javier Barbero-Jiménez, Economic Geography, Network Infrastructure and Institutions: Implications for Agglomeration and Trade, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, January 2016. Apto Cum Laude. European doctorate mention. First placement: Economic Analyst, European Commission – Joint Research Centre, Seville, Spain.

Nuria Gallego-López, Borders and Interregional Trade Integration Between Spain and the European Union: Theoretical foundations and Empirical Analysis in the Context of the Gravity Model and the New Economic Geography, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, June 2015. Apto Cum Laude. European doctorate mention. First placement: Assistant Professor, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain.

Tamara de la Mata López, The Interregional Trade of Services and the Effects of Social and Business Networks: With Application to Accommodation, Restaurants and Travel Agencies in Spain, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, November 2012. Apto Cum Laude. European doctorate mention. First placement: Research Scholar, IESE Business School, Barcelona, Spain

Juan Antonio Vicente Virseda, Simulación del Impacto de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación en la economía española a través de la elaboración de una Cuenta Satélite, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Dpto. de Economía Aplicada y Estadística, June 2012. Apto Cum Laude. First placement: Assistant Professor, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, UNED, Madrid, Spain.

Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, Benchmarking Regional Innovations Systems: The Relevance of Efficiency to Other Performance, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Dpto. de Proyectos de Ingeniería, October 2008. Sobresaliente Cum Laude. European doctorate mention. First placement: Research scholar, CIRCLE, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.



María Dolores Guillén García – Universidad Miguel Hernández – 2024 / David Rey Blanco – Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia – 2024 / Daniel Valero Carreras – Universidad Miguel Hernández – 2023 / Khatab Alqararah – Universidad de Deusto – 2023 / Yanneth Rodríguez  – Universidad de Deusto – 2020 / Hamid Saeedi – TU Delft – 2018 / Fernanda Gutiérrez Navratil - Universidad de Oviedo – 2014 / Andrés F. Guzmán-Valderrama, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – 2013 / Ana Ródenas – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – 2009 / Julio de Corral – Universidad de Oviedo – 2009 / Juan Aparicio – Universidad Miguel Hernández – 2007 / Andrés Maroto – Universidad de Alcalá de Henares - 2007 / Jorge Rodríguez Valez – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – 2006 / Mª Nuria Fernández Conejero – Universidad de Alcalá de Henares – 2004.






Department of Economics (Economic Theory and Economic History).

-         Department Chair

September 2013 – February 2017

-         Chair of the Recruiting Committee

June 2004 – September 2013

-         Chair of the Research Committee

June 2004 – September 2013

-         Department Academic Secretary

April 2001—June 2004


School of Economics Senate:

      Elected representative: December 2001—October 2002 & November 2007- November 2009


University Senate:

      Elected representative: December 2001—October 2002 & November 2007- November 2009




Research scholarship FPI: 1995-97, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.




2º Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad, Sept. 2024, Málaga, Spain / Workshop on European Integration, Economic Convergence and Productivity, April 2024, Bruges, Belgium / XXXII Symposium of Economic Analysis, December 2007, Granada, Spain / XXXI Symposium of Economic Analysis, December 2006, Oviedo, Spain / I Leon Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity, Sept. 2006, Leon, Spain



International Conference on Regional Science, November 2021, Madrid, Spain / XXXV Symposium of the Spanish Economic Association, December 2010, Madrid, Spain / International Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity in honour of Prof. C.A. Knox Lovell. October 2010, Elche, Spain.






· School of Economics and Business at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid award for excellence in research and outstanding publication, 2023:

Zofío, José L., Juan Aparicio, Javier Barbero, and Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia (2023), “The influence of bottlenecks on innovation systems performance: Put the slowest climber first,” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 193, 122607.

· School of Economics and Business at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid award for excellence in research and outstanding publication, 2020:

Álvarez, Inmaculada C., Javier Barbero and José L. Zofío (2020), “A Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox for MATLAB,” Journal of Statistical Software, 95(3), pp. 1-49. 10.18637/jss.v095.i03 (see

· Accésit. XV Research prize. Deusto University-Banco Santander, 2019:

Edquist, Charles, Jon M. Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, Javier Barbero and José L. Zofío (2018), On the meaning of innovation performance: Is the synthetic indicator of the Innovation Union Scoreboard flawed?,Research Evaluation, 1-16

· School of Economics and Business at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid award for excellence in research and outstanding publication, 2018:

Álvarez, Inmaculada C., Javier Barbero, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and José L. Zofio (2018) “Does institutional quality matter for trade? Institutional conditions in a sectoral trade framework,” World Development, 103, pp. 72-87.



· Omega - Best reviewer award 2019:

· Omega - Best paper award 2017:


Aparicio, Juan, Jesús T. Pastor, Fernando Vidal and José L. Zofío (2017), “Evaluating productive performance: A new approach based on the product-mix problem consistent with Data Envelopment Analysis,” Omega, 67(C), pp. 134-144.




· Associate editor: Revista de Economía Aplicada: 2016 - present


· International:

Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, European Economic Review, Ecological Economics, Energy Journal, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, Journal of Productivity Analysis, European Journal of Operational Research, OMEGA-International, Journal of Management Science, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Journal of Environmental Management, Resource and Energy Economics….


· Spanish:

Investigaciones Económicas, Hacienda Pública Española, Revista de Economía Aplicada….




Spanish (Native)

English (Fluent)

Italian (Fluent)

Dutch (Basic)

German (Basic)



Numerical computation: MATLAB

Statistical software: R, Stata

Geographical Information Systems: ArcGIS

Other programming languages: Julia, C++, Python, VBA

Document preparation system: LaTeX